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National Schools Partnership

The National Schools Partnership (NSP) develops innovative free educational resources for teachers and schools. Don't miss out on the free goodies.

5-14 year olds

First Aid Champions

First Aid Champions is a free online teaching resource from the British Red Cross aimed at helping primary-aged children learn how to keep safe and know what to do in an emergency.

5-11 year olds
Teachers, Pupils

Advice on Bullying from Anit-Bullying Alliance

Excellent information to help with bullying issues.

5-18 year olds
Teachers, Pupils, Parents

Premier League Primary Stars

Premier League Primary Stars uses the inspiration and fun of sport to connect pupils’ learning to the world around them. Find easy-to-use resources for your pupils for literacy, maths, PE and PSHE.

5-11 year olds

Beating Exam Stress

Part of the BBC Newsround site, these web pages offer good advice if you are feeling stressed about exams.

7-16 year olds

Road Safety Week

Take part in Road Safety Week in the UK in November. Schools can order road safety packs with glossy posters.

5-18 year olds


Connecting event organisers, volunteers and speakers to put on live science event including virtual lectures and science fairs.

3-18 year olds


Bikeability is cycling proficiency for the 21st century. There are classroom teaching resources and advice on how to get a scheme running in your school. Kids can find out the nearest Bikeability centre.

7-11 year olds
Teachers, Pupils

Reservoir Safety Teacher's Guide

A water safety teacher's guide which links to videos that can be used to deliver key messages around water safety, together with suggested additional activities to aid learning around the topic.

7-16 year olds
Teachers, Pupils

Think! Road Safety

THINK! Education includes a wealth of road safety information, lesson plans and resources for pupils, teachers and parents.

3-16 year olds
Teachers, Pupils, Parents
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