How much do you know about Christmas? Here we aim to help you discover the festive facts and background to Christmas traditions. Ideas for Christmas Cards and Christmas activities.
When is Chinese New Year?
Find out the dates of each Chinese New Year over a period of 12 years together with the associated zodiac animals and Chinese calendar dates.
Your Chinese Zodiac Sign
With our Zodiac Sign checker you see what Chinese Zodiac sign you were born under. It is more accurate than checking just by year especially if you have a January or February birth date.
Find out the facts about Advent, when it is on the Christian Calendar and how it is celebrated in the Christian Church.
How to Make a Christingle
Follow our step-by-step instructions on how to make a Christingle.
The Meaning of Christingle
Discover the origins of Christingles, the symbolism behind them and how to make your own Christingle.
Exploring the Christian Faith
A good site about Christianity which has details about the major festivals, Bible stories and information about different churches and ethical issues facing Christians.
Festivals Calendar
This calendar shows religious festivals and celebrations from various world faiths. Most events have a short explanation of their significance.
How much do you know about Easter? Our Easter pages aim to help you find out about the facts and customs surrounding the festival.
The Heart of Hinduism
An extensive educational resource which describes Hindu traditions, core beliefs and values. It is packed with information.