Wow! Fancy learning a language for free? Look no further than Duolingo which offers lessons in over 40 different languages. Lessons feel like games where success is rewarded with points. Fantastic.
Pobble is an online platform for educationalists to share children’s writing giving them a chance to write for a purpose and for a global audience. It's free to register but requires a subscription for portfolio uploads.
GCSE Bitesize Revision - French
Revise the GCSE French syllabus including essential areas of reading and writing at foundation and higher level.
GCSE Bitesize - Spanish
Revise the GCSE Spanish syllabus including essential areas of reading and writing at foundation and higher level.
Digital Dialects
Digital Dialects features free to use games for learning more than 80 languages. Within are games for learning phrases, numbers, vocabulary, spelling, verb conjugation and alphabets.
GCSE Bitesize - German
Revise the GCSE German syllabus including essential areas of reading and writing at foundation and higher level.
Learn Spanish Free
Free taster Spanish tutorials and drills. If you choose to take the study further you can subscribe to a full course.
Learn Basic German
Short mini-lessons which can help you to learn German. There are good quality audio files.
Association for Language Learning
'ALL' is the major professional association for those involved in teaching modern foreign languages (MFL) at all levels and in all languages.
El Pais Digital
On-line Spanish newspaper which is similar to The Times in the UK.