Short Vowel Word Machines
Can you read the three letter (CVC) words on these animated word machines?
Spooky Sounds
Children will love this game where they need to identify the phonemes which match sounds. This game is linked to the Letters and Sounds programme.
Sound Sayer
A teaching tool to support whole-class or small groups with phonics teaching. It can support parents too when they are helping their child with reading at home.
Epic is a digital reading platform for children up to the age of 12. It has a collection of 40,000+ popular, high-quality books from 250+ of the world’s best publishers. A subscription site.
A delightful game where you find the sight words. This game is based on the first 100 high frequency words used in reading and writing.
Starfall - Learn to Read
A good learning to read site. There are good quality games and animated stories which children can interact with. The children can click on words to see what they say. Excellent for learning the sounds the letters make.
Phoneme Pop
Based on 'Letters and Sounds' this game supports phoneme - grapheme correspondence. Great if your child is learning his or her letter sounds.
Letter Formation
This site has excellent animations which provide a good model for learners starting to write letters. They indicate the starting points and proper strokes required. Works well on an interactive whiteboard.
Jack and the Beanstalk
Listen to or read the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. Excellent animation.
Little Red Riding Hood
A delightfully animated story of this traditional fairy tale. Best in full screen mode.