Wildlife Explorer
Wildlife Explorer is a fabulous resource with information about wildlife living in the UK. It covers: invertebrates, mammals, marine creatures, birds, reptiles, amphibians and plants too.
The Royal Mint Teaching Resources
Explore the world of coins, their history, design and manufactures. Each lesson pack, designed for classrooms in England and Wales, comes complete with teachers’ notes, lesson plans, fact files, worksheets and whiteboard resource.
NASA Kids' Club
NASA provides a safe website for children to play as they learn about NASA and its missions. Content includes images, games and activities on space including all the Solar System and missions. Download free app too.
Circuit Construction Kit
Put together a circuit and test a switch and different items to see if they complete the circuit.
Wildlife Activities
Lots of ideas here for fun activities related to wildlife.
Comparing Life Cycles
This site explains with audio and diagrams the differences and similarities of the life cycles of different creatures such as birds, amphibians, insects and mammals. Test your knowledge on the activities too.
Environmental Impact
A straightforward multiple choice quiz which looks at how human behaviour can affect the environment.
Circle of Life
The excellent site looks at the differences in life cycles of amphibians, birds, mammals and insects and also tests your knowledge. It is a useful for either whole class or use by individual students.
Science Bots
Test your science skills and help the Science Bots complete their experiments in the topics: Earth and Space, Electricity, Forces and Magnets, Light and Sound.
Animals and Plants
This site by San Diego Zoo is a mine of information about animals and plants, written especially for young people. It is a fabulous resource for research about paricular animals and is well worth a visit.