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This six-lesson unit on map skills designed so that one lesson will be taught in each year group from years one to six.

5-11 year olds

Practical Action Schools

Free STEM resources for teachers include lesson plans, PowerPoints, activities, posters, challenges, images, videos and games all set around global issues including energy, climate change and disaster risk reduction.

5-18 year olds

Cool Antarctica

Facts about Antartica including the climate, animals, transport and history of exploration.

11-18 year olds
Teachers, Pupils

What do you know about climate change?

A quiz to test your knowledge of climate change and its causes.

11-16 year olds

A River's Journey

The journey of a river can be divided into three sections: upper, middle and lower. This site features video footage of rivers in the three stages and explains what happens in each stage.

9-14 year olds

Geography Dictionary and Glossary

Over 1400 terms are defined in this dictionary aimed at students who are studying geography or earth sciences.

11-18 year olds


Q-files is a subscription based online encyclopedia specially designed and written for children. It is also advert free and regularly updated.

7-13 year olds

Learn about the Weather

Learn about weather phenomena including clouds, rain and snow, with these excellent videos and animations from the UK Met Office. They are YouTube videos so will not be accessible in all schools but they are ad free.

9-14 year olds
Teachers, Pupils

In My Footsteps

The My Footsteps project looks at local trails in Whitechapel, Limehouse and Poplar, representing personal perspectives on the historical, cultural and social changes that have occurred. Includes five lesson plans and free app.

11-13 year olds
Teachers, Pupils

Longshore Drift

A revision page about longshore drift which includes a diagram and also a video explanation of the process.

11-14 year olds
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