Q-files is a subscription based online encyclopedia specially designed and written for children. It is also advert free and regularly updated.
These resources focus on the British propaganda campaign during the First World War.
William Wilberforce
Explore the life and political and social achievements of William Wilberforce, the Hull MP, who was instrumental in the campaign to abolish British involvement in the Transatlantic Slave Trade.
What Did Children Eat in World War 2?
A resource which demonstrates the different aspects of rationing during the Second World War and its effects on ordinary British people. It includes cross-curricular teaching ideas.
The Art of War
See the work of Second World War British War artists who have captured the conflict in their artwork.
History on the Net
Information is arranged in topics such as: Aztecs, World War 2, World War 1, Nazi Germany, the Romans, the Stuarts and much more. Comprehensive coverage from ancient times through the middle ages and 20th Century history.
A comprehensive BBC site covering the following aspects of the Victorian Era: Queen Victoria and her Prime Ministers, Political Events, Industrial Revolution, Technology and Innovation, Daily Life and Welfare and Health.
Teaching Remembrance
Free teaching resources are available from the British Legion designed to assist teachers to support the teaching of remembrance. There are ready to use assembly materials.
In My Footsteps
The My Footsteps project looks at local trails in Whitechapel, Limehouse and Poplar, representing personal perspectives on the historical, cultural and social changes that have occurred. Includes five lesson plans and free app.
The Battle of the Somme
Discover the stories about the longest and costliest battle in British history. Find out how the Battle was planned and fought, about the experiences of the people who were involved and about the battlefields today.