GCSE Bitesize
All GCSE Bitesize revision guides from the BBC are featured on this site.
The Art of War
See the work of Second World War British War artists who have captured the conflict in their artwork.
History on the Net
Information is arranged in topics such as: Aztecs, World War 2, World War 1, Nazi Germany, the Romans, the Stuarts and much more. Comprehensive coverage from ancient times through the middle ages and 20th Century history.
A comprehensive BBC site covering the following aspects of the Victorian Era: Queen Victoria and her Prime Ministers, Political Events, Industrial Revolution, Technology and Innovation, Daily Life and Welfare and Health.
Teaching Remembrance
Free teaching resources are available from the British Legion designed to assist teachers to support the teaching of remembrance. There are ready to use assembly materials.
The Battle of the Somme
Discover the stories about the longest and costliest battle in British history. Find out how the Battle was planned and fought, about the experiences of the people who were involved and about the battlefields today.
British History
A wealth of material relevant to GCSE courses. The encyclopedia has 2000 entries each including a narrative, illustrations and primary sources.
Trenches on the Web - An Internet History of The Great War
Comprehensive reference library about World War 1. A timeline, biographies of important figures, first hand accounts, photographs and details of major battles are some of the excellent features here.
Tudor England
A web site devoted to the Tudor era in England. There are details of the Tudor monarchs and other important figures of the time. You can listen to selections of Tudor music and find out about the architecture.
Life in Elizabethan England
The Compendium of Common Knowledge contains concise information on many topics associated with the Elizabethan World such as money, religion, food and domestic details. Easy to navigate.