An animation where a boy explains why Diwali is his favourite time of the year. Afterwards you can make your own firework display!
Church Tours
Take a guided tour around a few church buildings belonging to different Christian denominations. See what they have in common and what makes them different? Can you spot a font, a pulpit and a lectern?
What is Islam?
A guide to Islam from BBC Newsround. It asks questions like 'What is the Qur'an?', 'Who is Muhammad?' and more and explains the answers simply.
Saint David
A page about Saint David, the patron saint of Wales. He is one of the most celebrated saints in Britain.
Christmas Wordsearch
See if you can find all the Christmas words in this Christmas word search puzzle. You can either solve the puzzle online or print it out.
Shabbat Symbols and Objects Explained for Kids
Shabbat is the period in the life of Jews from twilight on Friday to nightfall on Saturday evening. This page explains the symbols and objects connected to this time that you would find in Jewish homes.
What is Sikhism?
A concise explanation of Sikhism including key beliefs and origins. It includes videos about Guru Nana and the 5 Ks. Find out about places of worship and the Sikh holy book.
The Qur'an
A series of blended learning resources containing interactive self-study content covering Islamic core beliefs.
Sacred Place
A series of blended learning resources containing interactive self-study content covering Jewish core beliefs relating to sacred environments such as the synagogue and home.
The Concept of God
A series of blended learning resources containing interactive self-study content covering Jewish core beliefs on the nature of God.