What is the Hajj Pilgrimage
A BBC Newsround page with simple information and video footage of the Muslim pilgrimage of Hajj.
Passover - Pesach
This site is written to help Jews understand the history of Passover and how they should celebrate it. However, it is suitable for students studying Judaism from Key Stage 3 upwards. It has the Exodus story in great detail.
Baptist Union of Great Britain
Find out what Baptists believe, who they are, when Baptists began and about their work.
My Jewish Learning
Articles, videos and other resources to help you navigate all aspects of Judaism and Jewish life — from food to history to beliefs and practices.
Scrolls from the Dead Sea
An Exhibition at the Library of Congress, Washington DC which describes the historical content of the scrolls and the Qumran community from where they may have originated. It also relates the story of their discovery two thousand years later.
Celebrating Saint David
A website about St. David, the patron saint of Wales, which is aimed at primary aged children and teachers.
Mothering Sunday
This site from the BBC looks at the history of Mothers Day and explains its origins.
A searchable index of RE resources that puts you in touch with learning resources related to six major world faiths.
A superb site about Christianity from the BBC. It has facts about the history, beliefs, worship, ethics, Holy Days and customs of the faith. There is a section on Saints.
Religious Festivals
A list of religious festivals throughout the year with a short description of each.