Find out the facts about Advent, when it is on the Christian Calendar and how it is celebrated in the Christian Church.
Maths Invaders
Shoot the spaceship with the correct answer and dodge the incoming fire. A fun game to practise a wide range of key mathematical skills. There are over a hundred carefully differentiated levels.
Dinosaur Dentist
Get the T-Rex to dance by using your knowledge of doubling facts to work out the 'near doubles' in this addition game.
Arrow Cards
Build a two or three digit number using the cards. Click the button to see how it is written. This site can help children understand place value. It is suitable for use on an interactive whiteboard.
Snowman Sums
A winter themed addition game. Find number bonds to match the target number.
Bumper Cars
Can you partition two digit numbers? Fill in the missing numbers to see.
How much do you know about Christmas? Here we aim to help you discover the festive facts and background to Christmas traditions. Ideas for Christmas Cards and Christmas activities.
How much do you know about Easter? Our Easter pages aim to help you find out about the facts and customs surrounding the festival.
Dinosaur Discovery
Young children will love this game about dinosaurs. It is both informative presenting facts in a fun way. Children can learn how dinosaurs protected themselves and how some were carnivores or herbivores.
Historic Royal Palaces - History and Stories
Discover interesting facts about Henry VIII and find out why he was so feared. Learn about his six wives and also about Queen Victoria and her empire.