Education Connection
Schools in the USA is a free online career and college prep resource which allows students wanting to study in the United States to explore career paths and find the right college.
The Wind in the Willows
Listen to The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Graham told in ten episodes by Bernard Cribbins. Each episode is accompanied by a short synopsis and a printable transcript, for the children to follow. There are follow-up ideas for teachers.
Balloon Phonics
Balloon Phonics is a game which focuses on three letter words (cvc). There are three game modes: Initial sounds, Middle sounds and End sounds. Appropriate for Phase 2 Letters and Sounds.
BBC School Radio
Podcasts of radio broadcasts, downloads, audio, video clips, sound stimulus library and learning resources for primary schools.
Eight learner guides and seven class clips videos on the Anglo-Saxons from the BBC.
Dead, Living and Non-Living
An excellent video and activity explaining the differences between dead, living and non-living things.
Poop Deck Pirates
A phonics game which can help you to build words. Read the words and decide if they are real words or not. The game links to phases 3, 4 and 5 of the 'Letters and Sounds' programme. It works well on an interactive whiteboard.
TES Education and Teaching Jobs
TES features UK and international teaching jobs.
Phoneme Pop
Based on 'Letters and Sounds' this game supports phoneme - grapheme correspondence. Great if your child is learning his or her letter sounds.
Subtraction using concrete and pictorial strategies
A video lesson which shows how to solve subtraction problems using counters and pictures. It demonstrates how to set up and solve the subtraction questions and gives ideas for a subtraction game at home.