My Hideous Progeny: Mary Shelley's Frankenstein
Here are pages on Mary Shelley's life, family, friends and novels. There is a summary of Frankenstein, a description of the main characters, the full text and an explanation of the subtitle 'The Modern Prometheus'.
Creswell Crags - Home of the Ice Age Hunter
Evidence of life during the last ice age between 50,000 and 10,000 years ago has been found at Creswell Crags in Nottinghamshire. Find out about life in the stone age and about educational visits.
Why did the Romans invade Britain and what did the Romans do for us? These are two of the questions that are considered here. It also looks at life for women in Roman Britain and there is an audio drama of the Boudiccan Rebellion.
A BBC video of Martin Hughes-Games who visits a science museum and explains fossils and the evolution of life.
The Edward Jenner Museum
A website and museum dedicated to the life and work of Edward Jenner. It has a biography and details of how smallpox was beaten. The museum is currently developing resources for Key Stages 1 and 2 in addition to older age groups.