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Roots & Shoots Mission Possible

The Roots & Shoots programme is about making positive change happen for our communities, for animals and for the environment. Register to access the free teacher's resources, available for use by schools in the UK.

7-14 year olds

Wildlife Activities

Lots of ideas here for fun activities related to wildlife.

7-14 year olds


Pobble is an online platform for educationalists to share children’s writing giving them a chance to write for a purpose and for a global audience. It's free to register but requires a subscription for portfolio uploads.

3-16 year olds

Easter Nests

A step by step guide to making delicious Easter nests for Easter time. Easy enough for children to make.

5-16 year olds
Teachers, Pupils, Parents


An interactive whiteboard resource for teaching number sequences. Useful for use throughout Key Stage 2 as it has many different levels.

7-11 year olds

Elmo's World Games

Have fun exploring Elmo's World where there are lots of activities for you to try. Some games are useful for learning early shapes.

3-5 year olds

Addition and Subtraction Facts

This is a brilliant animated resource for demonstrating addition and subtraction facts to 20. Super for number bonds and missing numbers.

4-7 year olds
Teachers, Pupils

Teaching Science through Stories

Looking for inspiration for science activities in the classroom? This site has some great ideas taking stories as a starting point. Well worth exploring.

5-11 year olds

Primary Maths Assessment Materials

Questions, tasks and activities supporting teaching for mastery in mathematics from the National Centre for Excellence in the teaching of mathematics.

6-11 year olds

20 Bead Rekenrek

A great teaching tool for helping young children to understand numbers and learn strategies for addition and subtraction, doubling and halving.

5-7 year olds
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