Price Lists
Money activities where you decide what you want to buy and work out the total cost. See the items displayed in a bill. Works well on an interactive whiteboard.
European Space Agency - Kids
A vibrant, exciting site from the ESA packed with information about space, news, games and activities including making model spacecraft.
Today's Number (to 20)
Our Today's Number game can help early years children to learn the numbers to 20 in a fun way. The various activities help with number formation, recognition, ordering and counting.
Childnet E-safety Calendar for Schools
Looking for ideas for teaching e-safety in schools? This calendar has games and activities for key dates like Safer Internet Day and Anti-Bullying Week.
The Minibeast Discovery Pack
A super activity booklet for 5 to 12 year olds to introduce children to the world of invertebrates (minibeasts). It includes teachers' notes and worksheets.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
An animated story of the traditional story of the Three Bears. There is a sequencing activity to print out to go with the story.
Storyline Online
Delightful stories read by professional screen actors in America. The movies use the illustrations from the books. There are lots of choices each with an activity guide.
UK Space Education Office
Quality resources to improve the teaching of STEM subjects in schools and inspire children through enrichment activities using space as a context for teaching. From ESERO UK, the UK space education office.
The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust
The Trust's education department offers educational activities at all levels along with learning resources about Shakespeare, his plays and home learning activities.
How the Body Works
Click on a body part to watch movies, read articles, do quizzes and activities all about the human body.