Five Little Speckled Frogs
Can you sing along with this number song about 5 little speckled frogs?
Fraction Circles
This teaching tool helps with the recognition of fraction relationships. It helps students to visualise fractions, understand denominators, equivalent fractions and mixed numbers.
Spring Maths
Counting, ordering, sequencing, number bonds, addition, subtraction, multiplication and more, all set around the theme of Spring.
Bee Hive - More and Less
In this game you need to identify one more and one less in numbers up to 10 or 20.
Save the Whale
Complete the number bonds to set the whale free. You can choose different totals up to 10.
Funky Mummy
Funky Mummy is a number facts game. Practise quick recall of addition, subtraction and multiplication facts.
Bar Charts
Interpret data using bar charts. A number of different levels available including two step questions and varying scales. Works well on an interactive whiteboard in full-screen mode.
Hide and Seek
A counting game where you need to find from zero to 10 animals, the corresponding numeral and matching number word. You will need to look carefully to find everything.
Fruit Splat Subtraction
Splat the fruit with the correct answer to the subtraction questions. There are 7 levels of difficulty including subtraction of two-digit numbers with regrouping.
Sum Scales
With Sum Scales, which is a whole class teaching tool, you can explore greater than, less than and equals to number maths stories.