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Peep and the Big Wide World

The animated series Peep and the Big Wide World has games aimed at teaching science and maths to preschoolers.

4-7 year olds
Pupils, Parents

20 Bead Rekenrek

A great teaching tool for helping young children to understand numbers and learn strategies for addition and subtraction, doubling and halving.

5-7 year olds

100 Bead Rekenrek

A great teaching tool for helping children to understand two-digit numbers, place value, doubling, halving, counting in 5s and 10s, and more.

6-9 year olds

Place Value Chart

A useful teaching tool to demonstrate place value in numbers up to millions. It includes an option for decimal numbers.

7-11 year olds

The Periodic Table of Videos

Superb short videos about each element of the Periodic Table plus there are films about other areas of chemistry. A great teaching and learning aid.

11-16 year olds

An excellent American site with good lesson ideas and materials aimed at improving reading comprehension teaching throughout the primary age range. It is well worth registering.

5-11 year olds


Poetryclass can help teachers wanting to bring poetry alive in the classroom. It has good ideas for teaching poetry.

7-16 year olds

The Literacy Shed

The Literacy Shed is home to a wealth of visual resources with teaching ideas suitable for use in the primary classroom. There are some fabulous animations to use as stimulus for writing.

5-11 year olds

Thinking of a Number

Use inverse operations to work backwards to find the missing number. Useful as a teaching aid on an interactive whiteboard.

7-11 year olds

Images to Inspire

Looking for inspiration for creative writing? Look no further. This great site from Teaching Packs has evocative photographs with lots of ideas for the classroom.

7-11 year olds
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