Sight Words
Free resources designed to help parents teach their child to read. The learning materials can be used in the home or classroom. Includes lessons and instructional videos. Well worth a look!
Starfall - Learn to Read
A good learning to read site. There are good quality games and animated stories which children can interact with. The children can click on words to see what they say. Excellent for learning the sounds the letters make.
Moving Digit Cards
An interactive whiteboard teaching aid for place value. It demonstrates the effect of multiplying and dividing whole or decimal numbers by 0.1, 10 or 100. The columns headed by letters are incorrectly labelled.
Online Stopwatch and Timer
Set up this digital stopwatch or set the timer to count down the time. Works well on an interactive whiteboard.
Law and Order
This tutorial is an investigation on the commutative law of addition. It also looks if there is a similar law for subtraction.
Heart and Circulation
A superb resource which looks at the function of the heart and heart disease. Find out what you can do to keep your heart healthy.
Spelling Bee
The spelling activities on this US site are for children aged 5 in September (Grade 1) up to age 17 in September (Grade 10). The primary age activities are good exercises for KS1 and KS2 spelling SATs in England as they follow a similar format.
Basic Volleyball Rules and Terminology
Exactly what the title says, the rules of Volleyball.
Coal Mining and the Victorians
This feature looks at the lives of children working in coal mines in Victorian England. It includes extracts original sources which help to highlight the working conditions.
Explore Ancient Egypt
Find out what life was like 9000 years ago in Ancient Egypt. Study heiroglyphs and ancient mummies and see what they tell us about Egypt both long ago and today. Great on an interactive whiteboard using full screen option.