Owl and Mouse Interactive Maps
Free good quality maps, to print out, of countries and every continent of the world. Excellent interactive maps where you roll over the countries to see country names and capital cities.
Creepy Verbs and Adverbs in Super Stories
Transform a boring horror story into a bestseller by selecting effective verbs and adverbs to increase its impact and make it more exciting. Select illustrations that highlight the horror as the story of the Sea Cave unfolds.
Easter Bunnies and Chicks Recipe
Celebrate Easter by making these delicious Easter bunnies and chicks. This recipe does not involve heating ingredients.
Science and Plants for Schools
Fantastic lesson plans and teaching tools for teaching plant science. Great if you are looking for teaching ideas for all ages.
Bee Hive - More and Less
In this game you need to identify one more and one less in numbers up to 10 or 20.
Super Stories - Nouns and Adjectives
A game that can help you to improve your use of nouns and adjectives. You get to be an editor who improves a fairly dull story into a bestselling horror story. Select great nouns, adjectives and illustrations to improve the story's impact.
Skin Structure and Function
An excellent, interactive about the structure and functions of skin. It also looks at common skin infections.
The Coin Cruncher
There are two parts to this money game which features UK money and Euros. In the first game you need to select coins to make an amount and in the second game you need to count a set of coins. There are different levels of difficulty.
Make and Colour
Lots of lovely craft activity ideas for young children from CBeebies.
English Heritage Teaching and Learning
Find out about how you can take your class to over 400 English Heritage sites for free!