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The Victoria and Albert Museum - London

Details of collections, gallery activities, programme of courses and study days.

11-18 year olds
Teachers, Parents

Tate Kids

Take a look at the games and activities on Tate Kids. You can watch videos about art and send in your own work. Get inspired to create art work in the style of famous artists.

5-14 year olds

Oxford Owl

Oxford Owl is a free website built to help parents with their child’s reading. This is an excellent resource packed with free ebooks from the Oxford Reading Tree reading scheme, games and activities.

3-7 year olds
Teachers, Pupils, Parents

Education Group

Education Group is a provider of Music, Dance, African Drumming, Science and Art workshops, school assemblies and after-school activities for primary schools across England and Wales.

5-11 year olds

Sorting 3D Shapes on a Venn Diagram

An activity where you use a Venn diagram to sort a variety of 3D shapes according to their properties, including: whether they are pyramids or prisms, the number of faces, edges and vertices and whether they have a curved surface.

7-11 year olds

Crystal Crash

An addictive find fractions of numbers game where you throw the pickaxe at the correct answer. Different levels including find half of up to 20, 40 or 100, find unit fractions of number, or multiples of 1/10 of numbers. Super homework activity.

7-11 year olds

El Salvador Geography Pack

Free KS2 El Salvador Geography pack including photo cards, classroom activities and an illustrated map and a free KS1 Bangladesh geography pack.

5-11 year olds

Science Sparkles

At Science Sparks they are passionate about making science fun for kids and they have devised lots of easy science activities using equipment and materials commonly found around the home.

3-11 year olds
Teachers, Parents

Big Picture

Big Picture, from the Wellcome Trust, is aimed at post-16 biology teachers and students has a fantastic array of free online resources including activities, animations, videos, lesson plans, articles, images, and more.

16-18 year olds

Key Stage 2 Bitesize English

Designed to help Key Stage 2 English SATs revision, the site is limited in coverage, but the activities are still useful and are presented in a lively way likely to appeal to 10 and 11 year olds.

7-11 year olds
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