All about Bumble Bees
Free educational activities designed for children from age 4 to 11+ to develop their knowledge and understanding of bumblebees and the challenges and threats they face.
How do Dinosaur Fossils form?
This video animation from the Natural History Museum explains how fossils of dinosaurs and sea creatures were formed and why we can sometimes find them today.
Educational Resources on Hidden Plastics
An engaging lesson plan and set of educational resources on hidden plastics and how to protect the environment against them.
The Human Eye - Interactive Resource
Label the different parts of the human eye.
Birds and Wildlife
A wonderful site about how to help birds and wildlife.
UK Space Education Office
Quality resources to improve the teaching of STEM subjects in schools and inspire children through enrichment activities using space as a context for teaching. From ESERO UK, the UK space education office.
Animals and Plants
This site by San Diego Zoo is a mine of information about animals and plants, written especially for young people. It is a fabulous resource for research about paricular animals and is well worth a visit.
The Great Plant Escape
This attractive site is designed to introduce pupils to plant science and increase their understanding of how foods grow. It could be helpful for Science SATs preparation.
Science Teaching Resources for Interactive Whiteboards
Six PowerPoint or Smartboard Notebook teaching resources for KS4 Science. Topics include balancing equations, chemical reactions, formation of crude oil, fractional distillation, industrial uses of enzymes, the Atom, the Halogens and the Periodic Table.
Primary Resources
Don't miss this wealth of worksheets, ideas, activities and resources for primary teachers. Sections included are literacy, homework, maths, science and art. Some resources are online, others are in PDF format.