Flip Counter
A brilliant counting tool which displays numbers up to 99.999. It is excellent for demonstrating 1 more or less, 10 more or less or 100 more or less. It is also useful as a place value tool and there is an optional decimal point.
Science Teaching Resources for Interactive Whiteboards
Six PowerPoint or Smartboard Notebook teaching resources for KS4 Science. Topics include balancing equations, chemical reactions, formation of crude oil, fractional distillation, industrial uses of enzymes, the Atom, the Halogens and the Periodic Table.
Florence Nightingale - Getting Dressed
A beautifully illustrated account of the clothing Florence Nightingale would have worn in Victorian times.
El Pais Digital
On-line Spanish newspaper which is similar to The Times in the UK.
Make an Easter Basket
Why not print out one of our simple to make Easter baskets and fill it with goodies to give to your friends at Easter time? Full instructions and templates.
Baby Animals
Find out why spring is an ideal time for animals to have their young. There is information about calves, lambs, birds and about animals coming out of hibernation. Written at two levels of difficulty.
Ten Facts About Ancient Egypt
Travel back in time 5,000 years to discover ten fascinating facts about the Ancient Egyptians. It includes links to further information about Egyptian gods, heiroglyphics, Tutankhamun and how to make a mummy.
World War 1 Facts for Kids
Nat Geo Kids travels back in time to find out more about a conflict that rocked the world. Discover facts about the first World War.
National Poetry Day
Although suitable for any time of year, you can explore this site for ideas to celebrate National Poetry Day with poetry in school. It features Toolkit for Schools and downloadable teaching resources.
Fruit Splat Addition
7 levels of addition sums to solve. The levels go up to adding two digit numbers with regrouping. Splat the fruit with the correct answers. Vary the speed to give yourself more time.