Chemicool Periodic table of the elements and other chemistry information.
Find Schools
Enter a postcode or place name to search a database of schools in England. The database includes primary, secondary, special needs, state and private schools.
Christmas Wordsearch
See if you can find all the Christmas words in this Christmas word search puzzle. You can either solve the puzzle online or print it out.
Shakespeare's Life and Times
Well worth visiting if you are studying Shakespeare's life, theatre and society in Renaissance times.
Tate Paint
Have fun creating your own masterpiece with lots of different art effects. Let your imagination run wild!
Adjective Adventure
Click on the label which has an adjective to feed the spider with a fly.
Build a Bot
Build a robot with Curious George. Find the body parts to enable your robot to perform various tasks and then design your own robot.
Playing Shakespeare from the Globe Education
Globe Education offers a collection of free online resources, aimed to support the study of Shakespeare in schools mainly at KS3 but resources could be used at different levels. Free Globe tickets for London schools too!
Symmetry Painter
A painting tool where you paint a symmetrical pattern. Use either brushes or stamps to create your picture. You can even design a pizza with two lines of symmetry.
Shape Monsters
The Shape Monsters game is an introduction to 2D shapes for young children. Children need to feed the monsters with the correct shapes. The monsters then say the name the shape they've eaten.