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Geographia - Asia

Great geographical information on Asian countries such as India, Pakistan, Russia, Thailand and more.

11-18 year olds
Teachers, Pupils

Interactive Teaching Program on Area

This interactive teaching tool can be used in a variety of mathematical contexts such as multiplication arrays, finding different shapes with the same area, nets and more. It is useful because there are different backgrounds such as dots.

5-14 year olds

TES Resources

If you are a teaching professional you may like to checkout the TES teachers' resource area which has more than 44,000 teacher created resources all free to download. They cover a vast range of subjects and all age groups.

3-18 year olds

Tudors and Stuarts

A website covering the history of the Tudors and Stuarts. Here you will find information on all the kings and queens, important people and events, links to other resources, books, pictures, and more.

11-16 year olds

Super Maths Bowling Multiplication

Can you achieve a strike? The quicker and more accurate you are in answering your times tables, the easier it will be to aim your bowling ball at the pins.

5-11 year olds

Fruit Splat Addition

7 levels of addition sums to solve. The levels go up to adding two digit numbers with regrouping. Splat the fruit with the correct answers. Vary the speed to give yourself more time.

6-9 year olds

Bud's Number Garden

Join Bud the bee to explore his magical garden and practise recognising numbers, counting, sequencing and much more! How many creepy crawlies are hiding in the leaf pile? How many eggs are left to hatch?

3-5 year olds

Big Picture

Big Picture, from the Wellcome Trust, is aimed at post-16 biology teachers and students has a fantastic array of free online resources including activities, animations, videos, lesson plans, articles, images, and more.

16-18 year olds

Digital Dialects

Digital Dialects features free to use games for learning more than 80 languages. Within are games for learning phrases, numbers, vocabulary, spelling, verb conjugation and alphabets.

0 year olds
Teachers, Pupils

Key Stage 3 Bitesize - Biology

Learn key points and test your knowledge on the main topics which include Living Organisms, Nutrition, Digestion and Excretion, Respiration and Gas Exchange, Health and Diseases, Reproduction, Ecosystems and Habitats, and more.

11-14 year olds
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