The Workhouse
An impressive site, which includes source documents, on the history of the English poor laws and life in the workhouse. It also traces the development of the education system in Britain.
Lion Dance
Read about the symbolism and meaning behind traditional Chinese lion dance and watch a movie clip of a performance in action.
Ancient Greece - The Argo Odyssey
Argo the dog is missing! He was last spotted at the Olympics. Can you find Argo? There are lots of mini-games and puzzles about life in Ancient Greece.
The Vile Vendor Probability Game
The Vending Machine gives vile drinks such as Cabbage, Smelly Sock or Fresh Fish. You need to work out the likelihood of getting each flavour and choose a matching probability word: impossible, unlikely, equal, likely or certain.
Reflecting in the Axes
A tutorial showing how simple shapes are reflected in both the x and y axes.
The Periodic Table of Videos
Superb short videos about each element of the Periodic Table plus there are films about other areas of chemistry. A great teaching and learning aid.
Exploring the Christian Faith
A good site about Christianity which has details about the major festivals, Bible stories and information about different churches and ethical issues facing Christians.
In the Jungles of Brazil
A charming animated song about jungle animals. Children can sing along and and join in with the animal noises.
The Greatest Game Ever
Can you beat the computer by making a 3-digit number that is larger? There is also a number ordering game. Slow loading.
Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra
Just what it says, a superb guide to the instruments of an orchestra. It is based on music by Benjamin Britten who was commissioned to write music to help children understand instruments in an orchestra.