Free downloadable Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 display resources.
Christmas Activity Pack
This free, downloadable pack has a range of activities for young children.
Learning Curve - Civil War
A unit designed for year 8 children about the Civil Wars in the seventeenth century. It features a range of historical sources from the National Archives which teachers can use to promote an enquiry based, stimulating approach to learning.
Mapmaker Interactive
NatGeo Mapmaker Interactive from National Geographic has maps of countries providing lots of different information about each country.
What Fraction?
A IWB teaching resource for helping children to understand fractions of amounts. This resource has attractive sets of images which can be changed to represent different fractions. Intended for oral work.
Excellent resources for GCSE and A Level science students. There over 200 pages of material, including interactive resources, teachers' notes, student worksheets and references to scientific applications.
Teaching Ideas
Lots of brilliant lesson ideas, plans, activities and resources to use in the primary classroom.
Mrs Pancake
Brilliant free educational resources for teachers, parents and children aged 4 to 11. A superb site.
Light Bulb Languages
Hundreds of teaching resources for languages teachers. Choose from French, German, Spanish and Italian.
Resourceaholic is crammed with ideas and resources for teachers of secondary school mathematics.