Lots of poetry for children and good tips for writing poetry. Great for teaching ideas and Kenn Nesbitt is also available for school visits.
Sum Scales
With Sum Scales, which is a whole class teaching tool, you can explore greater than, less than and equals to number maths stories.
Practical Action
Excellent geography teaching resources from Practical Action who use technology to challenge poverty in developing countries. There are videos, case studies, photos and more.
Area Perimeter Explorer
Create your own shapes with blocks and explore the relationship between perimeter and area. A useful teaching tool for demonstrating irregular shapes.
Food a Fact of Life
Free resources for teaching young people aged 3-16 years about where food comes from, cooking and healthy eating.
Reading Scales Mass
A great teaching aid for children learning to read scales involving g and kg. Generate lots of different readings. This resource works well on tablets and interactive whiteboards.
Venn Chart
A resource with a teaching demonstration mode and an area where children can practise their skills sorting multiples on a Venn diagram.
Demonstrate Coordinates
A teaching tool which shows how to use coordinates in one, two, or three quadrants. Drag the markers around and their respective coordinates will be updates.
The Geography Site
A brilliant resource for anyone interested in geography. A combination of original teaching resources, some of which are online lessons, and carefully selected weblinks. Ideally suited to GCSE students and teachers in the UK.
Guardian Teacher Network
Browse and use thousands of ready-made teaching resources for ages 4 - 18 years.