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Daily 10

Daily 10 has maths questions on a range of maths concepts: addition, subtraction, ordering, partitioning, digit values, rounding, multiplication, division, doubles, halves and fractions. Great starter or plenary activity. Useful for mental maths.

5-11 year olds
Teachers, Pupils, Parents

Christmas Spot the Difference

Challenge your observation skills with our fun Christmas Spot the Difference game. Can you find all the differences between the pictures?

7-11 year olds

Space Spot the Difference

Challenge your observation skills with our fun space themed spot the difference game. Can you find all the differences between the pictures?

7-11 year olds

Gingerbread Man Game

Counting and sequencing games where you can learn your numbers to 10. Works well on an interactive whiteboard.

3-5 year olds
Teachers, Pupils


Hundreds of maths activities for primary aged children for home or school. A subscription site.

5-11 year olds
Teachers, Pupils, Parents


How much do you know about Christmas? Here we aim to help you discover the festive facts and background to Christmas traditions. Ideas for Christmas Cards and Christmas activities.

7-14 year olds
Teachers, Pupils

Mothering Sunday

Learn all about Mothering Sunday or Mother's Day as it is known in the UK. Find out the history and traditions behind Mothering Sunday.

7-16 year olds
Teachers, Pupils

Good Friday

Find out about the history, meaning, traditions and customs of Good Friday and why it is known as Good Friday.

7-16 year olds
Teachers, Pupils

Easter Sunday

Read about the customs and traditions of Easter Day in the UK. Find out why Easter Day is a happy day for Christians and why eggs are associated with Easter.

7-16 year olds
Teachers, Pupils

Easter Eggs

Read all about Easter Eggs, their history and the custom of giving Easter eggs at Easter time.

7-16 year olds
Teachers, Pupils
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