NASA Kids' Club
NASA provides a safe website for children to play as they learn about NASA and its missions. Content includes images, games and activities on space including all the Solar System and missions. Download free app too.
Life Stages
A life stages activity, with audio, where children need to drag and drop various of images into the correct positions on the relevant life stages. It includes life stages of a butterfly, chicken, flower, frog, human and a tree.
All about Bumble Bees
Free educational activities designed for children from age 4 to 11+ to develop their knowledge and understanding of bumblebees and the challenges and threats they face.
The Great Fire of London
Explore the story of the fire in detail by following the timeline and investigating the people, objects and themes. Interactive activities along the way to help you understand how we know about the Great Fire.
Pobble365 supports teachers with creative writing activities whether it be generating interesting vocabulary or teaching punctuation or grammar. For every day of the year it begins with a thought provoking image to stimulate inspiring ideas. It's free.
Reservoir Safety Teacher's Guide
A water safety teacher's guide which links to videos that can be used to deliver key messages around water safety, together with suggested additional activities to aid learning around the topic.
Geometry Basics
These videos and activities on the basics if geometry explain what angles are and the difference between a triangle and a quadrilateral. Put your knowledge to the test.
Learning Numbers Through Play
Help your child learn numbers through play activities with this guide for parents by Topmarks.
Natural History Museum - London
Always a changing range of natural history activities and information. Find out about the museum and how to book visits.
A subscription maths practice site for reception to year 10, for schools or the home. Activities are matched to the National Curriculum and the site provides pupil tracking.