Classifying Triangles by Angles and Sides
A video tutorial from PBS on how to classify triangles according to angle measurements and side lengths. It is likely to appeal to pupils because it is presented by a student.
Crime and Punishment
This Learning Curve module investigates crime, prevention, and punishment from the medieval period to the twentieth century. It features many original documents. Each section has a commentary and structured activities.
Seeds and Plant Growth Discovery Pack
This activity pack designed for 5 to 12 year olds can be used to encourage children to care for and appreciate living things and to think about the world around them. It looks at seed dispersal, germination, growth, parts of a plant and more.
Grammar and Punctuation
This guide has been put together to help students' understanding of grammar and punctuation. Each point of grammar has an explanation and exercises. Great for either working through or dipping into if you want to brush up on a particular point.
Ten Frame - 1 to 20
A simple ten frame manipulative which shows either one or two ten frames and counters. You can display either horizontal or vertical ten frames.
Sound Sayer
A teaching tool to support whole-class or small groups with phonics teaching. It can support parents too when they are helping their child with reading at home.
Home Front 1939 - 1945
A site from the National Archives Learning Curve which presents original documents to support information about aspects of the Second World War such as preparations for war, evacuation, women at war, spies and more. The interactive parts no longer work.
Wonderful Words, Creative Stories Beach Theme
An animated game where you can see how to add adjectives to make boring sentences into more interesting ones.
Using Numbers on a Number Line
An excellent podcast with ideas for improving children's understanding of number lines and how teachers can draw out pupils' reasoning skills, use of language and the beginning of understanding proportion.
To Kill a Mockingbird Study Guide
A literacture study guide which examines the plot summary and analysis, themes, quotes, characters and more.