Education and Learning
UK Government help and advice for England. Get help if you are at school, planning to go on to further or higher education, school admissions and curriculum information.
Crime and Punishment
This Learning Curve module investigates crime, prevention, and punishment from the medieval period to the twentieth century. It features many original documents. Each section has a commentary and structured activities.
Millions Counter
This site from Mathszone can help you to read numbers from single digit numbers up to numbers with tens of millions.
Area and Volume
A BBC Bitesize resource with 5 learner guides and 7 class video clips on how to work out an area, what is the perimeter and what is a volume. It also shows how to calculate a volume using an equation.
Crystal Crash
An addictive find fractions of numbers game where you throw the pickaxe at the correct answer. Different levels including find half of up to 20, 40 or 100, find unit fractions of number, or multiples of 1/10 of numbers. Super homework activity.
This six-lesson unit on map skills designed so that one lesson will be taught in each year group from years one to six.
Spinners Chance and Data Assessment
See how well you understand chance and probabilty in 16 tasks where you need to build spinners. Your answers will be saved to a report which you can review at the end of the activity.
Inside the Human Body
A superb interactive simulation which explores each of the systems of the body demonstrating their structure and function.
The Roman Baths - Activity Hub
Discover about the Romans with fun activities and resources.
GCSE Bitesize Revision - English
Taking GCSE English? Here are some useful aids to revision. The site looks at a wide variety of aspects such as composing essays, to work on set texts. There is a section on Standard Grade English if you are in Scotland.