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Happy Camel

Help the camel to find his toy by weighing his food on the balance scales. A good problem solving game.

4-6 year olds

Math Visuals

Math Visuals has some really interesting and useful digital teaching tools to promote primary pupils' understanding of basic maths concepts. They work well in full-screen on an interactive whiteboard.

5-11 year olds

Coconut Odd or Even

Coconut Odd or Even can help children identify odd and even numbers. Recognising odd and even numbers is an important number concept in Key Stage 1.

5-7 year olds

MathSphere Free Sample Worksheets

A free selection of printable maths worksheets in pdf format, taken from the year groups 1 to 6.

5-11 year olds

Forest Phonics

Forest Phonics is a spelling game where you can select the phonemes you want to focus on.

4-7 year olds

Animal Shadows

A memory pairs game where you match the shadows to the animals to complete the puzzle.

5-7 year olds

Turn the Squares

A game where you need to turn the squares to make a picture. There are many pictures to make.

4-7 year olds

Maths Teaching Videos

Useful videos from a teacher showing methods of working through example maths problems.

11-16 year olds

Chinese New Year Jigsaws

Check out our Chinese New Year Jigsaws designed especially for school topics on the festival. There are four fun jigsaw puzzles to choose from and you can play with either 9, 16 or 25 pieces.

4-9 year olds


This site from the University of Cambridge aims to provide learning support in mathematics for able children. It provides investigations, puzzles and aims to answer maths queries. Send in ideas and solutions.

5-18 year olds
Teachers, Pupils
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