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Addition and Subtraction Ladder

Try the simple addition and subtraction sums to build your ladder. The examples include missing numbers or addends.

5-6 year olds

Fraction Circles

This teaching tool helps with the recognition of fraction relationships. It helps students to visualise fractions, understand denominators, equivalent fractions and mixed numbers.

6-11 year olds

Balloon Phonics

Balloon Phonics is a game which focuses on three letter words (cvc). There are three game modes: Initial sounds, Middle sounds and End sounds. Appropriate for Phase 2 Letters and Sounds.

4-6 year olds
Teachers, Pupils, Parents

Phoneme Pop

Based on 'Letters and Sounds' this game supports phoneme - grapheme correspondence. Great if your child is learning his or her letter sounds.

3-7 year olds

Beginners' Guide to Using a Compass.

A step by step guide on how to use a compass with an Ordnance Survey map.

11-16 year olds

Times or Divide Bingo

A useful class teaching resource on division and multiplication by 10 and 100. It includes decimals and is suitable for use on an interactive whiteboard.

7-11 year olds

Ten Frame Modeller

The Ten Frame Modeller is a useful teaching tool to help children visualise numbers within 10 and also 20. It can be used for counting, addition, subtraction and missing number problems.

4-6 year olds

A Beginner's Guide to the Anglican Church

Although this site is from New Zealand it explains what goes on inside an Anglican Church and what Christians believe.

11-16 year olds
Teachers, Pupils

Chinese Dragon Game

Chinese Dragon Game is an ordering and sequencing numbers game based on the Chinese New Year dragon theme.

4-11 year olds

Okta's Rescue

Use your counting skills to save Okta and his friends. You need to count them to move them to a safe ocean. When you have finished counting use the number line to see how many you have saved altogether.

5-6 year olds
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