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Road Safety Scotland

Road Safety Scotland produces a range of educational resources aimed for use with pre-school, primary and secondary pupils and pupils with additional learning needs.

3-14 year olds

Diet and Digestion

A site on digestion. It examines the food groups and a healthy diet. The quizzes are faulty.

11-16 year olds
Teachers, Pupils, Parents

Letter Formation

This site has excellent animations which provide a good model for learners starting to write letters. They indicate the starting points and proper strokes required. Works well on an interactive whiteboard.

3-7 year olds

Peep and the Big Wide World

The animated series Peep and the Big Wide World has games aimed at teaching science and maths to preschoolers.

4-7 year olds
Pupils, Parents

Listen and Play The Little Red Hen

A BBC EYFS resource with songs, rhymes and listening games to join in with and the story of The Little Red Hen. It has teachers' notes and a download option.

3-5 year olds
Teachers, Parents

Artyfactory - the online Art and Design workshop

Artyfactory offers free art lessons on African masks, Egyptian art and hieroglyphs, pencil portraits, perspective drawing, logo design and colour theory.

9-16 year olds
Teachers, Pupils

RSPCA Advice and Welfare

RSPCA Online offers expert pet care tips and advice. There are also sections about wild animals, laboratory and farm animals.

7-16 year olds
Teachers, Pupils, Parents

Listen and Play The Billy Goats Gruff

An EYFS resource from the BBC which has songs, rhymes and listening games as well as the story The Billy Goats Gruff.

3-5 year olds
Pupils, Parents

Find the Start Time

A maths game where you need to find the start time after a given time interval. Find the correct time on an analogue or digital clock. Lots of choice of level, including: subtracting 1 hour, multiples of 5, or 10 minutes and more.

7-11 year olds

Tudors Audio Clips

Comic sketches, short dramas and music about the Tudors. Topics include guides to the reigns of Henry VIII and Elizabeth and more.

7-11 year olds
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