Blast Off
Blast Off is a mental maths game for 5 to 8 year olds which can help you to know your two digit numbers and help with addition and subtraction skills. It covers different vocabulary such as more than, less than, count on and count back.
Clock Splat
Match simple analogue times with digital equivalents. There are three levels of difficulty: hours, half hours and quarter hours.
Nuffield Primary Design and Technology
Great design and technology teaching units which include lesson by lesson teaching guidance, a listing of new vocabulary, a description of links to other subjects and full details of resource requirements. Free to register on the site.
The World Factbook
Maps and statistical information on many different countries. It details the geography, economy, communications, people, government of the nations featured.
Ways to Use a Visualiser in the Classroom
Here are some great ideas for using a visualiser in the classroom. They are becoming more common as they allow teachers to display a single object or small area to an entire classroom.
How to Support a Pupil with Dyslexia
A concise page which explains what Dyslexia is and strategies teachers can use to help to identify and support pupils with Dyslexia.
Inside the Church
Check if you know the items found inside a church and find out what each one is for.
Carroll Diagrams - Odd and Even
Sort numbers on these Carroll Diagrams by whether they are odd or even, by place value or by more or less than a given number.
The Meaning of Christingle
Discover the origins of Christingles, the symbolism behind them and how to make your own Christingle.
Inside the Human Body
A superb interactive simulation which explores each of the systems of the body demonstrating their structure and function.