Fruit Splat Fraction Addition
Splat the fruit in this fractions addition game. There are six levels of difficulty.
Your Chinese Zodiac Sign
With our Zodiac Sign checker you see what Chinese Zodiac sign you were born under. It is more accurate than checking just by year especially if you have a January or February birth date.
Elmo's World Games
Have fun exploring Elmo's World where there are lots of activities for you to try. Some games are useful for learning early shapes.
Grumpy Goats
A fun game to explore the sound 'g'. Choose the pictures that begin with 'g' and simple words that begin with 'g'.
Autumn Jigsaws
Enjoy the Autumn season with our Autumn Jigsaws. There are four fun jigsaw puzzles to choose from and you can play with either 9, 16 or 25 pieces.
Christmas Jigsaws
Enjoy the Christmas season with our Christmas Jigsaws. There are eight fun jigsaw puzzles to choose from and you can play with either 9, 16 or 25 pieces.
Spring Jigsaws
Enjoy the spring season with our Spring Jigsaws. There are four fun jigsaw puzzles to choose from and you can play with either 9, 16 or 25 pieces.
Ratio Blaster
Ratio Blaster is an arcade style game which provides practice in finding equal ratios. Hits and misses are recorded so you can track your progress.
This is a website dedicated to the puzzling world of mathematics. Solutions are provided to the puzzles.
Telling the Time in Words
A game where you need to tell the time in words. Use language such as 'o'clock', 'half past' and 'quarter to' and compare the analogue time to digital time. The site works very well on an interactive whiteboard.