Key Stage 2 Bitesize English
Designed to help Key Stage 2 English SATs revision, the site is limited in coverage, but the activities are still useful and are presented in a lively way likely to appeal to 10 and 11 year olds.
Santa's Little Helper
It's Christmas Eve and Santa is getting ready to make his delivery of presents to boys and girls all round the world. Find out in this story how he can deliver all the presents in time.
Interact with these Minibeasts
An interactive where you explore the body of a ladybird, an ant and a bee. You can rotate and zoom in on the minibeasts and click on hotspots which explain interesting facts about bees, ants and ladybirds. Brilliant in full-screen mode on an IWB.
A spelling game with some free spellings taken from the spelling curriculum in England. Each word is read aloud, included in a sentence and broken into syllables.
UK Safari
A site for anyone interested in the wildlife and countryside of Britain. There are photographs, facts and information about many animals and plants found in and around the UK.
A simple animation to show muscle and diaphragm action for breathing in and out in the human body.
Show the Coordinate
A game which reinforces skills in finding coordinates. There is progression up to a 4 quadrant grid. Find the coordinates against the clock but take great care so you can get a 20 correct in a row.
Find out the facts about Advent, when it is on the Christian Calendar and how it is celebrated in the Christian Church.
Dragon Dance
Read about the symbolism and meaning behind traditional Chinese dragon dance and watch a movie clip of a performance in action.
Free courses for all ages in computer programming. Each course consists of around 20 lessons and includes self-guided, self-paced tutorials.