A great teaching tool for fractions. Use a bar or circle to represent, compare, and perform operations with fractions with denominators from 1 to 100. Reveal or hide numeric labels as needed.
National Archives Education Service
A wonderful national archives online teaching resource structured to tie in with National Curriculum from Key Stages 2 to 5 and designed for teachers. It has a range of original sources including documents, film and sound recordings.
Bikeability is cycling proficiency for the 21st century. There are classroom teaching resources and advice on how to get a scheme running in your school. Kids can find out the nearest Bikeability centre.
Dogs Trust Free Educational Resources
Excellent free curriculum-linked classroom teaching resources from the Dogs' Trust that provide fun activities with a dog themed context to engage pupils and bring learning to life.
Dienes and Coins
Useful place value teaching resources for use on an interactive whiteboard. They cover hundreds, tens and ones and UK money. With some you will need to drag the Dienes blocks to represent the number you want. Please note the decimals section is faulty.
Basic Angles
An angle activity with an online protractor. This is a flexible manipulative for teaching about angles which is excellent on an interactive whiteboard. There is a video tutorial explaining its use.
This teaching tool is useful for demonstrating 'Part-Part-Whole Model' for addition and subtraction particularly on an interactive whiteboard. Select which manipulatives you want to use and easily change your choice by pressing the 'change' button.
Coin Calculator
A teaching demonstration tool which works very well on an interactive whiteboard. Coins are dragged onto the drop area and the total amount of money is displayed. Currencies include GDP, Euros and USD.
Discovering Antarctica
Superb interactive teaching and learning resources on Antarctica from the Royal Geography Society. Great facts, information on the issues facing this last great wilderness, brilliant images for educational use, videos and more.
Mission X: Train Like an Astronaut
Train Like an Astronaut is an international challenge for 8 to 12 year olds which focuses on health, science, fitness and nutrition.There are lots of free resources to help educators teach the principles of health and exercise, using a space context.