Hickory Dickory Clock
A telling the time game. Choose the correct time and the mouse runs up the clock to get the cheese. Get it wrong and the cat is waiting!
Phoneme Pop
Based on 'Letters and Sounds' this game supports phoneme - grapheme correspondence. Great if your child is learning his or her letter sounds.
Ofsted - Office for Standards in Education
This site summarises the key aspects of Ofsted's school inspection system and provides access to the Ofsted reports of the majority of UK schools in Adobe Acrobat format.
The National Literacy Trust
The Trust maintains an online database, and provides information and support to all those interested in enhancing literacy standards. It organises seminars and conferences.
Hungry Pirates
The pirates are getting hungry. Can you guide Peg to the treasure chest with the goodies? This game will help you know left and right directions.
Sorting Box
Sort the rocks into the right boxes according to their colour.
Mystic Numbers
Solve the number puzzles and collect the treasures.
Dropping In
A great sentence exercise which can help you to write interesting sentences.
Ancient Greeks
Seven learner guides and three class clip videos on the Ancient Greeks from the BBC.
Bingo - Addition
Useful for whole class addition mental maths for use on an interactive whiteboard. Levels are carefully progressive from single digit addition to HTU and TU addition. It can improve mathematical vocabulary. The decimal addition options are faulty.