Hide and Seek
A counting game where you need to find from zero to 10 animals, the corresponding numeral and matching number word. You will need to look carefully to find everything.
Fraction Fiddle
A fraction game where you need to meet orders in a cake shop. Match customer orders written as fractions to cakes that have been cut into segments.
Time Tools - 12 hour to the half hour
Match each digital clock to the matching analogue time. The times are based on the 12 hour clock and are on the half hours. Two separate games are available.
Find Places on a Grid Map
Use this rainforest game to get some practise using coordinates on a map. Follow the instructions to find four locations on the map.
Add and Subtract on a Number Line
Try adding and subtracting near multiples on a number line. Develop mental methods of addition and subtraction by adding and subtracting a multiple of 10 or 100, and then adjusting. Works well on IWB.
Year 6 Arithmetic Practice
Test your knowledge in preparation for SATs. This interactive quiz has the type of questions that appear on Paper 1 - Arithmetic.
Hat Grab
A Curious George game which introduces the idea of data collection and block graphs. It uses the vocabulary of most and least. It is also useful for helping children to follow instructions.
Bobbie Bear
How many different outfits can Bobbie Bear wear in each game given the options for shirts and trousers. Can you find a way to predict how many before trying all the combinations?
MoneySense is an financial education programme from NatWest designed to help young people towards a better financial future. There are games to play and downloadable worksheets. UK and Euro currency options.
100 Hunt
A simple game where you need to add 10 to other numbers on a hundred square. It is best displayed on full screen and would work well on an interactive whiteboard.