Sight Words
Free resources designed to help parents teach their child to read. The learning materials can be used in the home or classroom. Includes lessons and instructional videos. Well worth a look!
Moving Digit Cards
An interactive whiteboard teaching aid for place value. It demonstrates the effect of multiplying and dividing whole or decimal numbers by 0.1, 10 or 100. The columns headed by letters are incorrectly labelled.
Pobble365 supports teachers with creative writing activities whether it be generating interesting vocabulary or teaching punctuation or grammar. For every day of the year it begins with a thought provoking image to stimulate inspiring ideas. It's free.
Association for Language Learning
'ALL' is the major professional association for those involved in teaching modern foreign languages (MFL) at all levels and in all languages.
Primary Treasure Chest
Primary Treasure Chest offers quality printable teaching and display resources. A modest subscription site but the site offers lots of free resources too.
Solving Systems of Equations by Graphing
Solve equations through graphs. There is a teaching section and a student practice section. Works well on an interactive whiteboard.
World Book Day
Packed with teaching resources, information, ideas and inspiration you’ll find everything here to make your World Book Day celebrations a success and encourage reading for pleasure all year round.
Area Builder
A fabulous teaching aid and learning game site on areas, perimeter and fractions of shapes. You can toggle between one or two display areas which is useful if you want to compare different shapes.
Science in School
Science in School is a free journal which aims to promote inspiring science teaching by encouraging communication between teachers, scientists, and everyone else involved in European science education.
Best Maths Animated Gifs
Downloadable animated gifs which demonstrate mathematical concepts such as Pythagorus Theorem, how to find the area of a cylinder and more. Useful teaching aid for use on an interactive whiteboard.