Easter Eggs
Read all about Easter Eggs, their history and the custom of giving Easter eggs at Easter time.
Free courses for all ages in computer programming. Each course consists of around 20 lessons and includes self-guided, self-paced tutorials.
Maths Starter Generator
A maths lesson starter generator for use on an interactive whiteboard. Check answers either individually or all at once.
Spring Maths
Counting, ordering, sequencing, number bonds, addition, subtraction, multiplication and more, all set around the theme of Spring.
Science and Plants for Schools
Fantastic lesson plans and teaching tools for teaching plant science. Great if you are looking for teaching ideas for all ages.
Amazing Words
Amazing Words is all about prepositions. It explains what prepositions are and includes activities where you can identify the prepositions in sentences.
Number Fact Families
Can you find all the number fact families? Just the thing for learning the relationship between addition/subtraction and multiplication/division.
Culture Street
Culture Street is all about getting children interested in making films. Checkout the free Stop Frame Animator for 5 - 14 year olds.
Tommy's Trek
An arcade style times tables game. The game includes times tables up to 12.
Fantastic Fridges
Here you can learn all about how fridges work, the cold chain, and lots more about the science behind refrigeration with interactive pages and games.