Dartboard Addition
Use the image of a dartboard to reinforce addition. You can choose to reveal or input the answers.
Range Arranger
Build a tower with the blocks in the correct order from smallest to largest. Suitable for Year 2 to Year 6.
Animal Shadows
A memory pairs game where you match the shadows to the animals to complete the puzzle.
Shape Puzzle
A jigsaw puzzle with a difference. You need to fill in the missing shapes to complete the picture.
Millions Counter
This site from Mathszone can help you to read numbers from single digit numbers up to numbers with tens of millions.
Arcade Champion
Order the numbers from highest to lowest in this place value game with numbers up to 1 million.
Wonderful Words, Creative Stories Beach Theme
An animated game where you can see how to add adjectives to make boring sentences into more interesting ones.
Bee Hive - More and Less
In this game you need to identify one more and one less in numbers up to 10 or 20.
Dinosaur Dentist
Get the T-Rex to dance by using your knowledge of doubling facts to work out the 'near doubles' in this addition game.
Save the Whale
Complete the number bonds to set the whale free. You can choose different totals up to 10.