Guide to Fireworks
In this guide to fireworks from the BBC you can find out what fireworks are made of, how they work and about firework safety.
Fraction Matcher
An excellent fractions matching game at different levels of difficulty making it very versatile in use. There is an option to play the games against the clock and also with mixed whole numbers and fractions. Highly recommended.
Math Limbo
A timed addition game where you solve the equations by adding two single digit numbers and choosing the answer or by choosing an equivalent addition. It can be used to speed up your mental arithmetic skills. Different levels.
Fishy Times Tables
A clever interactive which demonstrates times tables up to 10 x 10. It is useful for showing the commutative law of multiplication which means you can multiply numbers in any order and the answer is the same.
Digital Dialects
Digital Dialects features free to use games for learning more than 80 languages. Within are games for learning phrases, numbers, vocabulary, spelling, verb conjugation and alphabets.
Bottle Take Away
This site is based on the 10 green bottles rhyme, however you can display up to 21 bottles. It is excellent for children who are working on counting backwards and in particular 'one less' than a particular number.
The Difference Bar
Use a linear partitioning tool to help find the difference between pairs of two-digit numbers such as 25 and 34. The examples in the resource always have a difference less than ten. Useful as a teaching resource on an interactive whiteboard.
Num Tanga Junior
Match the pairs which could be numerals, numbers as words, ten frames, base ten or fingers on hands. There are different levels the highest of which goes up to 20.
Holocaust Memorial Day resources for Schools
To commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day the HMD Trust have a number of resources for educators including bilingual lesson and assembly plans, and life stories of holocaust survivors.
Spelling Bee
The spelling activities on this US site are for children aged 5 in September (Grade 1) up to age 17 in September (Grade 10). The primary age activities are good exercises for KS1 and KS2 spelling SATs in England as they follow a similar format.