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Chinese New Year Songs and Videos

Just what the title says. The videos are useful because they show Chinese New Year customs and traditions.

3-14 year olds
Teachers, Pupils


A great mental maths challenge where you need to use the numbers available and the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) to hit the target. The game does not check your solution. Works well on IWB.

7-14 year olds
Teachers, Pupils

Make a Goat Mobile for Chinese New Year

How about making this goat mobile to celebrate the Year of the Goat? Just download our free template and follow the simple instructions.

6-11 year olds

Number Fact Families

Can you find all the number fact families? Just the thing for learning the relationship between addition/subtraction and multiplication/division.

6-11 year olds

The Array

Create and solve easy multiplications such as 9 x 3. Examine relationships between rows, columns and areas in arrays. Useful to demonstrate multiplications on an IWB.

6-8 year olds
Teachers, Pupils

Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia

Just what it says, a free encyclopedia. Anyone can edit this so the information is not guaranteed to be accurate.

11-18 year olds
Teachers, Pupils

The Children's Poetry Archive

A superb selection of poems arranged by themes, style or author. You can listen to an audio track of each poem being read by the author.

5-11 year olds

The Barefoot Programme

The Barefoot Programme supports primary educators with the confidence, knowledge, skills and resources to teach computer science.It includes FREE high-quality resources, lesson plans and local CPD workshops.

5-11 year olds

The Fuse School

A growing range of free secondary age group teaching videos on maths, biology, physics and chemistry. The functional maths section is also suitable for primary pupils.

9-18 year olds

Show the Coordinate

A game which reinforces skills in finding coordinates. There is progression up to a 4 quadrant grid. Find the coordinates against the clock but take great care so you can get a 20 correct in a row.

6-11 year olds
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