Compare Numbers on a Number Line
Compare numbers on two different number lines and decide which is bigger. A great game to get children thinking about reading varying scales. Useful teaching resource on an interactive whiteboard.
Adjective Detective
A super site which explains what adjectives are. Great on an interactive whiteboard and best viewed in full-screen mode. Test your knowledge of adjectives on the quiz and game.
Guided Reading and Reading Games with Roy the Zebra
A wonderful guided reading story with accompanying printable worksheets and guided reading discussion sheets. There are 80 interactive literacy games, stories and songs for use in school or at home. Well worth a look!
BBC Bitesize Science Key Stage 2
Colourful, interactive science activities from the BBC Bitesize on the key areas: materials, energy, light and sound, humans, plants and animals. Designed for 10 to 11 year olds.
Free audio books, including classic fairy tales, myths, verse, Bible stories and original stories for children. Download mp3 files, burn to CD, subscribe to kids' podcast. The only downside is that there is advertising at the end of the stories.
Comparing Life Cycles
This site explains with audio and diagrams the differences and similarities of the life cycles of different creatures such as birds, amphibians, insects and mammals. Test your knowledge on the activities too.
Designing at Key Stage One
This collection of eight of units of work developed by the Nuffield Foundation to support Key Stage One Design Technology.
Department for Education
The Department for Education in the UK was formed on 12 May 2010. This site has education news, information and statutory guidance for schools and parents.
Key Stage 3 Bitesize - Biology
Learn key points and test your knowledge on the main topics which include Living Organisms, Nutrition, Digestion and Excretion, Respiration and Gas Exchange, Health and Diseases, Reproduction, Ecosystems and Habitats, and more.
Childnet E-safety Calendar for Schools
Looking for ideas for teaching e-safety in schools? This calendar has games and activities for key dates like Safer Internet Day and Anti-Bullying Week.