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Dragon Dance

Read about the symbolism and meaning behind traditional Chinese dragon dance and watch a movie clip of a performance in action.

5-14 year olds

Maths Hubs

The purpose of the Maths Hubs Programme, coordinated by the NCETM, is to help schools and colleges lead improvement in mathematics education in England.

5-11 year olds

Measuring in Cm

A measuring game which can help children to understand how to use a ruler. Children need to measure various objects against a centimetre ruler. Two levels of difficulty with whole centimetre and half centimetre examples.

5-9 year olds

Toy Shop Money Game

Money games where children work out which coins will buy toy shop items and where they can calculate change. Tablet-friendly and with different levels of difficulty. GDP, USD, EURO and AUD options are available.

4-11 year olds

Maths Invaders

Shoot the spaceship with the correct answer and dodge the incoming fire. A fun game to practise a wide range of key mathematical skills. There are over a hundred carefully differentiated levels.

6-11 year olds

2D Shape Reveal

An interactive whiteboard resource to help with the teaching and learning of the names and properties of 2D shapes.

6-11 year olds
Teachers, Pupils

Maths Starter Generator

A maths lesson starter generator for use on an interactive whiteboard. Check answers either individually or all at once.

11-16 year olds

Primary Maths Challenge

The PMC is a maths challenge for UK pupils who want to get involved in some interesting and stimulating mathematics. It has multiple-choice mathematical problems which interest pupils.

10-11 year olds

Primary Maths Assessment Materials

Questions, tasks and activities supporting teaching for mastery in mathematics from the National Centre for Excellence in the teaching of mathematics.

6-11 year olds

Math Visuals

Math Visuals has some really interesting and useful digital teaching tools to promote primary pupils' understanding of basic maths concepts. They work well in full-screen on an interactive whiteboard.

5-11 year olds
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