101 Sublime Science Experiments
101 awesomely fun science experiments you can do at home with everyday things you've already got.
Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia
Just what it says, a free encyclopedia. Anyone can edit this so the information is not guaranteed to be accurate.
Food a Fact of Life
The website is a comprehensive education programme which communicates up-to-date, evidence-based, messages around ‘food’ to all those involved in education. The are excellent free lesson plans and printable or presentation resources to support teachers.
Little Red Languages
Unique interactive stories and poems in English, French and Spanish for classroom and home use. Linked resources include printable books, puppet and mask templates, lesson plans and Smart Notebook files. Subscription based with many free resources.
One million plus of royalty free photos which can be used freely in educational projects. You need to check the terms and conditions if publishing to the Web.
Education and Learning
UK Government help and advice for England. Get help if you are at school, planning to go on to further or higher education, school admissions and curriculum information.
Primary Treasure Chest
Primary Treasure Chest offers quality printable teaching and display resources. A modest subscription site but the site offers lots of free resources too.
Corbett Maths
600 useful maths teaching videos, GCSE practice papers and questions, revision cards and 5-a-day printable maths worksheets.
The Maths Teacher
Structured video revision lessons with printable lesson notes, exercises, full solutions and exam questions.
Topmarks Fonts
Download Topmarks Fonts for free! We have collaborated with professional font designers to bring you these fonts for use with young children.