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This is a virtual dice manipulative where you can choose dice with dots or numbers and seemly as many as you want. A useful tool especially for adding 3 single digit numbers.

5-8 year olds

White Rose Maths Home Learning

The White Rose Maths Team has prepared a series of five maths lessons for each year group from Year 1-9 to help parents with home learning.

4-13 year olds

Multiples and Factors

A multiple choice game with two game modes. In the first you need to identify the Lowest Common Multiple and in the second the Highest Common Factor. Questions increase in difficulty depending on accuracy

9-11 year olds

Post Sorting

Sort the mail into the correct post boxes by working out simple addition, subtraction and division calculations as well as multiples. A resource which is great for use on interactive whiteboards too.

5-10 year olds
Teachers, Pupils

Bingo - Addition

Useful for whole class addition mental maths for use on an interactive whiteboard. Levels are carefully progressive from single digit addition to HTU and TU addition. It can improve mathematical vocabulary. The decimal addition options are faulty.

5-11 year olds

Math Limbo

A timed addition game where you solve the equations by adding two single digit numbers and choosing the answer or by choosing an equivalent addition. It can be used to speed up your mental arithmetic skills. Different levels.

5-8 year olds

Mini Maths Golf

A fun subtraction game which can promote mental maths skills. It covers simple subtraction up to decimal subtraction.

6-11 year olds

Meteor Multiplication

Shoot the meteors that have the answers to the multiplication questions. This will really test your knowledge of all your times tables! There are three levels of difficulty.

7-11 year olds

Key Stage 3 Bitesize - Maths

Help is at hand for maths revision for Key Stage 3 Maths SATs. The site has resources for teachers too.

11-14 year olds

Robot More or Less

Robot More or Less is a flexible addition or subtraction matching game. It is useful for developing mental maths skills.

5-11 year olds
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