Spot the Coins
This game is a coin recognition site. The currency involved is UK money. You need to find the coins which are hidden in the scenes. In the higher level you need to order the coins that you find from lowest to highest values.
Space Trader
How good are you at getting the cheapest prices? Try this game where you need to see which is the best deal for the space supplies.
Pay using 1 coin
A shopping game where you pay for the items using single value coins.
MoneySense is an financial education programme from NatWest designed to help young people towards a better financial future. There are games to play and downloadable worksheets. UK and Euro currency options.
Coconut Ordering
Compare and order different numbers, including decimal numbers, and metric quantities involving length, mass, capacity and money. Includes UK, Euro and Dollar currencies.
The Royal Mint Teaching Resources
Explore the world of coins, their history, design and manufactures. Each lesson pack, designed for classrooms in England and Wales, comes complete with teachers’ notes, lesson plans, fact files, worksheets and whiteboard resource.
Red Nose Day
Find out how you can get involved and raise money for Comic Relief. For teachers there are lesson and assembly ideas and there's fun stuff for kids.
Custom Car Garage
Use the coins to customise your sports car to your own design. UK, Euro and USD currencies are supported.
Minus Miners
Use your knowledge of negative numbers to mine resources and save your village.
Okta's Rescue
Use your counting skills to save Okta and his friends. You need to count them to move them to a safe ocean. When you have finished counting use the number line to see how many you have saved altogether.